Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Okay, okay....

So, I have been called out by my friend Julie for needing an update. There is so much to catch up on, where do I start?

  • Swim lessons for Olivia are going great! She is swimming under water and having so much fun although it makes Daddy nervous for her to stand by the ladder and blow bubbles.

  • Potty training for Sophia is back to the good phase. She went through a phase where she would pee in her panties (only at home) and some of them she was trying to make it to the potty but just didn't make it in time. Here is where I found her the other morning when I heard the bathroom door shut and I assumed the worst (I thought she would be playing in the sink). After taking the picture, she said "out, please". I guess she wanted a little privacy. ;-)

  • Speech for Sophia is going great! She is finally saying a ton of words and Olivia is so excited that she can finally say her name. She is still doing speech every other week and I think once this 6 month plan is over she will test out.

  • Father's day was great! We decided to take daddy to the water park at our local amusement park since we could take him for free. Olivia has had a major break through in regards to rides and the characters there. She is riding the rides she refused to ride last year and loving it. She has been talking about riding the roller coaster so we rode it and although she rode it and didn't scream or cry she doesn't want to ride it again. The only character she wants to see right now is Tweety Bird. The girls made David a coffee mug for Father's Day and he loved it. Here are a few pictures:

Next post will be about the AHH Family Reunion Picnic this past weekend......

Blog rating......

I got this from my friend Sam's blog and I thought I'd give it a try.

Online Dating

Monday, June 04, 2007

Not according to plan

Well, last Thursday did not go according to plan. I had an appointment to get my hair done and my dear MIL was babysitting the girls for me. I had some things that need to be taken back to several different stores and get my oil changed - you know the stuff that is easier to do with out the kids - so the "plan" was for me to do these errands before getting my hair done and David was going to take the girls to his mom's before going to work since he doesn't leave the house until 11:15 a.m. Well, the phone rang at 6:04 a.m. and it was David's work. They were canceling his run and offered him another run so he had to go in early in the morning. There went my plans for the morning. Now granted it was a longer run and he would get home earlier I was in a snit that my plans were ruined. Yes, I could have asked my MIL if I could bring the girls earlier but I hated to impose on her any more than I already was. Well, I got my hair done, picked up the girls, gave them their naps and then cooked supper. We (me and the girls) ate supper and they wanted to go swimming. Well, I knew David would be home soon so I told them we would once he got home and ate. We went outside about 8:00 and stayed out until almost 9:30. We would throw Sophia in the air to one another and would throw Olivia in the air with her floaties and ring on. They had a blast. Since we were all in the pool I have no pictures but at one point I told David "This makes not getting my errands ran today so worth it." Olivia is going to start swim lessons this week with her friend S. Hopefully, she will do well. Here are a few pics from their last photo session.