First of all I want say I hope everyone had a very happy Easter today. We had a good day even though we had to wear our winter coats to church today. We went to Grandma and Grandpa for lunch and no Easter lunch is complete unless you have the bunny cake that Grandma makes. After lunch, we took the girls to David's aunts house for an egg hunt. They had a ball! Liv got one of the "golden eggs" with $5.00 -- other eggs had money in them too but the "golden eggs" had the most.
Now to my question, but let me preface by saying that we never really talked about the Easter Bunny to the girls and up until 2 days ago I didn't even know Olivia thought the EB brings the baskets. Tonight though she knows Mommy and Daddy gives them the baskets and no there wasn't anyone that told her she just figured it out. It really took me by surprise because she thanked me for something in the basket and our conversation just took its course. Anyway back to the question. Growing up our baskets were always just placed on the table waiting for us when we woke up. I was talking to my friend yesterday and she commented that she was going to leave an egg with 1 piece of chocolate with a note from the EB that they would be able to "hunt" for their baskets when they got home from church. I asked what do you mean "hunt for their basket, isn't it on the table when they come downstairs?" Well you would have thought I asked if her hair was pink. LOL She thought that everyone hunted for their basket and just couldn't believe that I had no idea what she was talking about. I did hide the girls baskets today but Olivia is such a nosey girl that she found hers before they were even allowed to look. So my question is -- do you hide the baskets or not? Leave me a comment as I truly want to know what others are doing and/or what you grew up doing and why.
6 days ago