Thursday, March 13, 2008

My baby and Kindergarten registration

How is it that it is time to register Olivia for Kindergarten? I mean school doesn't start until August and it is only March. She is so looking forward to going and she has lots of friends from her current Pre-K class that will be going to her school but this mommy is just not ready for Kindergarten even though it is only one more day than she currently goes. This just feel different for some reason. Tonight, we saw many of her current classmates, she took a "test" to see if she was ready for this (of course she passed;-)) and took a tour of the school. I think the highlight of her night was getting a cookie at the end.


  1. Kindergarten does seem like such a big step - I am sure Olivia will do just fine, and will keep my fingers crossed for Mom :)

    Thanks for your kind words on my 'we are all stressing' post. I am thinking it is another round of separation anxiety, and am looking forward to the weekend - lots of hugs and cuddles for Bean (Mommy and Daddy too)

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Oh, I will be crying my eyes out two years from now when we do this!! Be strong Mama!!

  3. Kindergarten is the first step of their school days... they start being so little and end being so big! (and as a teenager!) We also had a pre-registration and parent night already. It all sounds quite daunting, but they'll survive!

    Love the snow pics. Looks like everyone enjoyed the last big snow (well, hopefully the last big one! c'mon spring!)

  4. She's too little to be going to Kindergarten!!!

  5. YIKES!!! Kindergarten?!?!

    BTW, are you shopping with us next week?


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