Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Sophia's eye exam

Well, Sophia had an eye exam last month as I thought she might have a lazy eye. It is something I noticed in her referral pictures but talked to her pediatrician about. She thought that it was that the bridge of her nose was wider and that is why it looked that way but she gave me a card for a pediatric opthamologist and said if I wanted to be certain to check it out. I thought it wouldn't hurt to do that so I did (after sitting on the card for a few months). It turns out that she does not have a lazy eye and the ped was right that the bridge of her nose is wider than the norm. She is, however, nearsighted. She is to go back in 9 to 12 months to see if her vision has gotten worse or if it stayed the same. He said if she were in school and needed to see the blackboard he would give her a prescription for glasses. So, I will be making an appointment around the first of the year for sometime from April to July for her to get rechecked. She did really well at the doctor office and let him do whatever he needed to do.

Here is a picture of Sophia on the 4th of July.

Next installment - our vacation to the beach.........


  1. Hey..we are headed to the beach too!!! I would have loved to stop off and see you when I was going through Louisville but it was 2 am! Have fun at the beach and can't wait to see the photos!
    Laura (Annslee's Mama)

  2. Hey! Kieren will also need glasses. Oh well! She'll be like the rest of us! I love the photo!



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