Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beautiful weather, beautiful girls...

Yesterday we had some beautiful weather. We took the girls to waterfront park to play and of course for me to take some pictures. Once we got there Sophia did not want to cooperate for individual pictures but did take a few with Olivia. After we were done there we went across the river for supper. A great time was had by all.....
Olivia jumping
Olivia on the Great Lawn
Sophia and Olivia


  1. Great pictures! Looks like you are following the "rule of thirds" I just read about! :)

  2. LOVE these pics girl!! Looks like it was a gorgeous day!

  3. I am so slow, I've been following your blog and just now figured out that you live in Louisville. Or maybe I knew it and forgot and am tired at the moment! I was looking at these pictures thinking, "That looks just like Waterfront Park!" GREAT GREAT shots!

  4. Oh, I am in Simpsonville but kids go to school in Lville, we are in Lville all the time...

  5. These photos are so pretty and purplesque! How did you do that?
    I had to use the kid lens on those great gymnastic jumps and was so disappointed that they were not crisp and clear. I'm going to research new zoom lenses, suggestions welcome!


  6. Super photos!!! Think I'll have to learn the rule of thirds!

  7. What beautiful photos. What kind of camera do you shoot with and lens, if you don't mind me asking????
    Is this the waterfront park? We can't wait till things green up so we can take the girls down there, and take some pictures. We have never been down there, but hear great things about it.


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